Schleich | Eldrador | Fire Kraken v's Ice Bug
Schleich 70826 | Fire Kraken v's Ice Bug
The Ice Bug stares at its opponent with cold eyes. It has sharp claws and transparent ice crystals on its back, which are razor sharp! But the Fire Kraken will not be intimidated. It waves its suction arms, looking like it's on fire. At the end of each tentacle it has dangerous pincers. It simply burns up its opponents. I wonder who will emerge victorious from the battle of these creepy action figures?
Ice World vs. Lava World! It looks dangerous when the Ice Bug and the Fire Kraken fight each other. I wonder who is the stronger of the two? It's hard to tell, because they both look so scary. The Ice Bug keeps trying to grab the Fire Kraken with its sharp claws. But it defends itself with its flaming tentacles. The Ice Bug tries to dodge its countless suction arms, because they burn like fire and have dangerous pincers at the ends. This will be some fight!
WARNING: Small Parts - Not for children under 3 years.